
Insilico Genome Analysis | A Quick Introduction

Yes you are at the right place, in this blog i am going to share my views on Insilico Genome analysis and how I use these reference points for my experimental design and analysis. I know this might sound exciting and at the same time raise lots of doubts as Genome and analysis are quite unknown.

But now you can have a counter attack, no we have heard this due to this covid pandemic situation, okay so i take my words back and  thank god  now we are quite aware of how genome has a huge impact on our Health.Now keeping this idea i am going  walkthrough all you need to understand about the process terms of Insilico Genome analysis.

Let’s start.

In simple words Genome is a blueprint of who you are, seriously the way you are it’s in your Genome or in another way it’s an encyclopaedia of your life and this particular information is highly sensitive, complicated and yet very delicate plus you cannot see this through your naked eye.It means that there is so much going on,  that is the main reason scientist  or researchers prefer sequencing  before analysis . Don’t worry I am going to cover these details in a pretty simple way but just remember that this particular stream is an application of genomics where Insilico genome analysis plays a vital role. 

So in this blog first i am going to explain

what is sequencing, what is Insilico Genome Analysis and obviously the role of Bioinformatics in analysis?

Let’s understand what is sequencing and why we need this or why we should be aware of this word.In simple words, Sequencing is the process of getting the information in the precise order. Let’s understand how this is going to help us, as humans or any Genome always communitate in its code language before understanding this, Genome is the complete set of information present in an organism or individual person or considered as your raw data.

Now this code language has 4 letters, ATGC in DNA and AUGC in RNA or you call them nucleotides. There are 3 billion nucleotides present in humans and the Human Genome is diploid in nature, so you can double these nucleotides.So from now onwards if you consider yourself as a huge data machine, you won’t be wrong. That’s why I have mentioned Genome as highly sensitive, complicated and yet very delicate.

This is how Genomes are made up of 4 letters and with varieties of combinations . These chucks of combinations are responsible for our growth, development and anything you can imagine related to the way we are or the way we respond to our environment and please do not forget disease or infection or virus as a fresh reminder.

Let’s just go back to Sequencing which provide the exact information present in DNA or RNA fragments  or chunks and that raw information is later on analysed using Insilico genomics analysis tools or with help of bioinformaticians or with Bioinformatics. 

 So finally, Insilico Genome Analysis is a process by which you can figure out what is within any genome irrespective of anything. Only the question remains what you are looking for.

Bioinformatics: Sequencing & Insilico Genome Analysis

Next Generation Sequencing which is broadly known as NGS, is a Technology made easier for scientists and researchers as it provides massive sequencing of DNA/RNA irrespective of any source with the most important requirement i.e. your input should be DNA for Whole Genome Analysis or RNA for transcriptome analysis.

In simple words NGS is broadly divided into two parts, where part one deals with sequencing in that first it will generate millions or billions copies and then perform sequencing. This part is done by Sequencer, a machine which is pro in this. Don’t go in detail now, just keep it simple, first step to generate information or Raw Date which is followed by second step i.e. Insilico Genome Analysis.

As we are dealing with Biological data, which is also  huge and  very very important, we need a specialised field which is not only good with this kind of data but also diverse.

Bioinformatics or dry lab or insilico approach so many names but refer to the same i.e. good with dealing with biological data. 

Bioinformatics Data Analysis serves a variety of tools/softwares which helps us to look into the information we are interested in for our research or any clinical Diagnostics being one of the applications of Insilico genome analysis. Detailed information about Applications of Bioinformatics can be found HERE

There are varieties of Analysis we can opt for for example whole Genome Analysis, Whole Exome Analysis, Transcriptome Analysis and many more.

Just to have a brief on how to select the analysis I am going to mention the trick which I use oftenly i.e. Central Dogma Of Molecular Biology. Seriously this is what we need, just a quick brief on what is Central Dogma of Molecular Biology, it’s the process which runs in our system to convert the information from DNA to RNA and to Proteins and we all know proteins are the building blocks of how we are in short growth and development.

So if you are interested in knowing the information related to Genetics or DNA and its association you will go with whole genome analysis, exome sequencing if you are interested in the functional part of the genome and target sequencing where you will only focus on the genome analysis part you are interested to know.

Next, if you are interested in Gene expression like how gene behave in sudden condition or sudden parameter you will go with RNA for transcriptome analysis, over here also you can prefer total, small or target transcriptome analysis.lastly, if you are interested in how gene regulate you can go for epigenetic analysis.The whole point is, based on your objective requirement you can choose any kind of NGS for Genome Analysis. Bioinformatics provides all types of tools, resources and platform to your kind of analysis.

Now you have clear idea how scientist got the information about covid variants and its effects and they also come up with emergency vaccine.Also, following genome analysis there is a new ground breaking technology where we can edit the genes with the help of enzymes after performing the genome analysis. To know more about this technology you can visit HERE

If you want to know more and get a hands-on of how to analyze genomic data you can join us for a 3 Hour Short Course on Genome Analysis, you can register HERE

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